5 Ways Live Chat can be implemented in different industries

Customer support has been a hot topic in business in the past dozen years. Companies are competing to bring the best possible service and experience for their consumers and this is how they are able to keep a loyal base of customers that makes them sustainable.

There are many ways in which businesses work on improving this aspect of their organization, but now there are even tech solutions that go had in hand with customer support and allow organizations to cost-effectively improve this area of business. One of the best solutions that companies use today is called live chat software.

With online chat software, companies can reduce their running costs, give valuable information to customers, help them more quickly, start valuable customer relationships, and scale better. To achieve this, a business needs to use this tool in a proper way. There are many types of businesses that can use live chat and here are 5 different industries that will find it very useful. 

1. Software industry 

The software industry has probably been one of the fastest growing, since the beginning of the 21st century. No matter what branch of software industry you are looking at, software developers are constantly looking to provide new solutions, optimize their products, and give new features.

Given the fact that changes happen often and quickly, it's important for providers to be able to explain all the important things about their software quickly and update them when needed. This is presenting a problem for software companies, as they are unable to clearly explain what their software can do.

This is why software providers and a majority of those who offer cloud solutions can utilize on live chat to explain their offers and adjust them to their current or potential customers. We are talking about complex products and companies will be able to explain all the features, hear the customer’s needs, and connect the dots during a live chat conversation.

On top of that, customers looking to buy software solutions are in most cases tech savvy and they are almost always open to contacting a business through the chat help tool and relying on this kind of communication channel to get help.

2. Ecommerce

Online stores are becoming very popular. Simply put, there are more and more people looking to buy something online and more business organizations that want to fulfill this need. This can be a very profitable business model but it has its difficulties.

One of the most common problems for ecommerce stores is that their conversion rates are quite low because of the fact that they are not communicating with their potential customers as well as they should. This is where live chat comes into play, as this is an engaging customer support tool that has the power to convert visitors into buyers.

Ecommerce stores can be messy and confusing because they have so many products available. Customers can have a lot of questions they need answers to quickly or they will simply bounce away. By approaching potential customers with a chat help tool, you can offer them instant help that can allow them to make direct purchases.

3. Real estate business

One of the industries that has been changed a lot by the acceleration and growth of the internet is real estate. One of the most notable changes is that real estate is now more transparent than ever and this is why people are looking for properties to buy online as well.

Although people usually don’t want to buy a house directly from a website, they like to see what their options are and compare prices while surfing around the web. Sellers and real estate agents can only post offers online and wait for potential buyers to go through their ad and compare different offers.

However, this is slowly beginning to change with the use of live chat solutions. With the implementation of live chat tools, the people who work in real estate have gained the ability to engage people and work on generating leads directly. Real estate is all about selling complex properties that have a lot of features.

With live chat, sellers can make more transparent offers, talk about features and give a dose of real life interaction to the communication. With live chat, a seller will be able to recommend adequate property solutions and show potential buyers their property in detail and in advance.    

4. Pharmaceutical industry
One of the most sensitive aspects of people’s lives is their health. Everyone wants to take care of themselves and their loved ones as best as possible. This industry has grown so big that it has entered the online world as well and online pharmacies are slowly starting to grow.

Online pharmacies are still not accepted and people are reluctant to buy drugs this way. This is why this business is looking for ways to get accepted by people and become more legitimate and trustworthy.

This is where live chat steps into play as it can give them the ability to create human interaction, add a human face that can be trusted to the picture, and give important advice regarding this sensitive subject.

5. The hospitality industry

When it comes to the hotel industry, the most important things here are attention to detail and quality of service. Apart from the fact that these kinds of service providers need to be punctual and polite when dealing with customers - making sure everything is clean, greeting people, setting the table properly and so on - they also have to have this kind of approach online as well.

When customers are booking a hotel, they want to know all the details and you need to provide them. In this business, establishing relationships with customers is as vital as acting as a true host. With live chat software, a provider can instantly start a relationship with customers and talk about everything they need and want to know.

When renting apartments or rooms, people have different needs and wishes. With live chat, you can quickly find out what they are and how to give customers exactly what they need without a single detail missed. This is how more sales will be made and how you can bring your accommodation business closer to people.

These are the 5 industries that can effectively utilize on online chat software solutions. There are many other types of organizations that can also rely on live chat to improve their results. The only important thing is to use it adequately and adapt it to the way you do business.

Author Bio:

Jason is a technical writer currently associated with ProProfs Chat. He enjoys writing about emerging customer support products, trends in customer support industry and the financial impacts of using such tools. In his spare time, Jason likes traveling extensively to learn about new cultures and traditions.

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